My son and I fished Ala Spit on April 10, 2023. Sky was overcast and light raining. We arrived at 6:30 am. The tide was at high slack and we started getting fish as the tide started going out. We first lost 2 Sea Run cutthroats both on surface flies. My son Geoff got a nice Dolly Varden on 8 weight floating line. using a Leland Miyaki SeaRun Popper surface fly. 30 minutes later I got another nice Dolly Varden fishing a 8 weight sinking line with shooting head, using as small Clouser Minnow streamer fly. We were watching the fish attack baitfish and then were sight casting to the areas that showed fish feeding. The water surface started getting trashed and we were done fishing at 8:30 am!

Awesome!! What a time! I’ll do my best to get there later this week. Thanks, Bob