Claire and I had our annual day on the river yesterday. We typically hit a small stream near Darrington, and this year it was Buck Creek--a tributary of the Suiattle River. It's a beautiful, gin clear stream that reminds us of the stream our family camped on each summer as the kids were growing up. There is, in fact, a small campground here, too. If you go here, look for the fishers' trail leading upstream from the most upstream campsite. It's a nice way to access the stream away from camp.
If you're looking for large fish (not counting spawning salmon), this is not the place for you. But if you want a remote-feeling woodland setting and all the 4-inchers you can stand, come here. Pouring down a fairly steep gradient over boulders and logs, this is premier pocket water, perfect for a dry fly.
After fishing, we ate lunch in a not-yet-occupied campsite and watched 20-pound Kings chase one another around a pool below us. Quite a sight. Check out the video below.
Great post and a good example family values .