Thanks to the work of club member, Gianna Holle, the next time you drive by Pass Lake you can turn in to the boat launch area to see the Flybrary our club has just installed on the notice board there.
A Flybrary is a take-off of the Little Free Library idea: Need one? Take one. Have one? Leave one. In the case of the Flybrary, fly fishers share flies: a wonderful and easy way to share our love of the sport and our knowledge of the local fishery. As you see in the photo, Gianna seeded our Flybrary with a few flies she had on hand. I'm excited to see what the Flybrary looks like next time I'm there.
Placement of our Pass Lake Flybrary on the notice board at the boat launch is approved by the Deception Pass State Park. Indeed, the head ranger, a fly fisher himself, is quite excited. He's asked Gianna to prepare a short write-up that he can include in the park newsletter.
Our choice of Pass Lake for this installation is simply a function of its proximity to Gianna's house. I hope to be able to install another Flybrary at Lone Lake, our traditional home water.
The Flybrary Project is a program sponsored by Castaway Customs, a Florida provider of custom boat decks. For a nominal fee ($5 at this time), the Flybrary Project will send you a foam Flybrary board to mount at your spot of choice. They maintain a database of Flybrary locations but really nothing more. It's just a way for them to help build and unite the fly fishing community. Visit the Flybrary Project website at